eChip WebUSB Library


This development documentation outlines the use of the Keiser eChip as a means of collecting workout information from Keiser Strength and Functional equipment. The library is written in TypeScript and supports modern browsers with WebUSB support.


In order to use the eChip, equipment must have the Power Display with the eChip slot in the bottom right corner. Data that exists on the eChip that pre-dates the current time by at least 2 hours will be displayed on the display as "target" data.

Required Hardware: USB to 1-Wire/iButton Adapter (DS9490)

Required Drivers: 1-Wire/iButton Drivers for Windows


Install with npm: npm install @keiser/echip-webusb


Import singleton instance from module using preferred module loading technique.

import ChipReaderWatcher from '@keiser/echip-webusb'

if (ChipReaderWatcher.isConnected) {
  console.log('Chip Reader Connected ๐Ÿ˜„')

The ChipReaderWatcher handles permissions and USB connection events. On first load, the browser will not have provided a grant to the site to access the USB device, so the ChipReaderWatcher.start() method must be called by an event that originates from a user action. This may only be required once on the first visit to the site, or it may be required each time the site is loaded based on browser vendors preferred implementation.

connectButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  try {
    await ChipReaderWatcher.start()
  } catch (error) {

Once the ChipReaderWatcher.start() method has been called the class will prompt the browser for permission and begin watching for devices matching the Chip Readers device signature. To be alerted when a device is found, pass a function to the ChipReaderWatcher.onConnect() method.

ChipReaderWatcher.onConnect((chipReader) => {
  console.log('Chip Reader Connected ๐Ÿ˜„')

The ChipReaderWatcher.onConnect() will pass in a ChipReader object which is the object bound to the physical device connected. This library is capable of handling multiple Chip Reader devices simultaneously, so the onConnect() method has potential for returning multiple ChipReader devices over the course of the application's life.

chipReader.onDisconnect(() => {
  console.log('Chip Reader Disconnected ๐Ÿ˜ž')

The ChipReader object has an onDisconnect() method which will alert when the Chip Reader has been disconnected for some reason. Once a ChipReader object has been disconnected, it is disposed and cannot be used again. The next time the device is connected, a new ChipReader object will be returned.

chipReader.onChipDetect(async (chip) => {
  console.log('Chip Connected: ' +
  if (chip instanceof DataChip) {
    chip.onData(data => console.log(data))

The ChipReader object also has an onChipDetect() method which will alert when a valid chip has been placed into the reader. The event passes in a Chip object that can be used to interact with the chip data directly. Just like the ChipReaderWatcher.onConnect() method, the ChipReader.onChipDetect() method can be called multiple times for multiple chips all being handled concurrently. Once a chip is disconnected, the Chip object is disposed and cannot be reused.


import ChipReaderWatcher, { DataChip } from '@keiser/echip-webusb'

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event => {
  const connectButton = document.querySelector('#connect') as HTMLInputElement

  if (connectButton) {
    connectButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
      try {
        await ChipReaderWatcher.start()
      } catch (error) {

  ChipReaderWatcher.onConnect((chipReader) => {
    console.log('Chip Reader Connected ๐Ÿ˜„')

    chipReader.onChipDetect(async (chip) => {
      console.log('Chip Connected: ' +
      if (chip instanceof DataChip) {
        chip.onData(data => console.log(data))

    chipReader.onDisconnect(() => {
      console.log('Chip Reader Disconnected ๐Ÿ˜ž')

eChip Capabilities

A single eChip is capable of holding 200 workout sets worth of data from 24 distinct machines. If the eChip is full, machines will replace the oldest workout record on the eChip with new data. It is recommended to completely clear the eChip between uses and to only write the data required for targeting during the current workout session.



The ChipReaderWatcher is a singleton class which handles the USB device monitoring and permissions handling. There can be only one ChipReaderWatcher instance created within a window scope, so the library instantiates the class during import and preserves a single instance for all imports.


isConnected: booleanIndicates whether a Chip Reader device is connected


onConnect(Listener<ChipReader>): DisposableAdds an event listener for when a Chip Reader device is connected. Callback method will be passed the new ChipReader instance for the connected device.
start(): Promise<void>Initializes the watcher by first requesting permissions and then doing a hardware search. This method must be triggered by a user action such as a click event or the permission request will be denied.
stop(): Promise<void>Closes all active connections.


The ChipReader instance is passed into the onConnect callback function and is the interface to the connected Chip Reader device.


claimed: Promise<boolean>Promise indicating if the USB device interface has been claimed.
disposed: booleanIndicates if the device connection has been severed and the class instance disposed.


onChipDetect(Listener<Chip>): DisposableAdds an event listener for when a chip is connected to the Chip Reader device. Callback method will be passed the new Chip instance for the connected chip.
onDisconnect(Listener<null>): DisposableAdds an event listener for when this Chip Reader device becomes disconnected. The instance will be disposed following this event.


The BaseChip instance is passed into the onChipDetect callback function and is the interface to the connected chip device. There are several different extensions to the base BaseChip object that can identified by doing a instanceOf check or looking at the type property.


disposed: booleanIndicates if the eChip connection has been severed and the class instance disposed.
data: ChipObjectGeneric object with the current data from the chip.
id: stringUUID string of the eChip.
type: ChipTypeChipType enum value corresponding to the type of chip.


destroy(): voidCalled to disconnect the eChip device.
onDisconnect(Listener<null>): DisposableAdds an event listener for when this chip becomes disconnected. The instance will be disposed following this event.
onData(Listener<ChipObject>): DisposableAdds an event listener for when the chip data has changed.

TZChip and RTCChip

The TZChip and RTCChip are class extensions on the BaseChip class. They add no additional properties or methods, but allow the identification of chip type and will perform chip set operations automatically when detected. An event issued on the onData event indicates that the chips data has been successfully updated.


The DataChip class extension on the BaseChip class adds additional properties and methods specific to the data chip.


clearData(): Promise<void>Method clears the data on the chip and resolve the promise on successful write. An onData event will be issues for the blank chip data.
setData({string: MachineObject}): Promise<void>Method sets the data on the chip according to the data passed into the method. The method accepts an object with string keys corresponding to the machine's 4-digit model number with the MachineObject as the value of the property. Method resolve the promise on successful write. An onData event will be issues for the freshly written chip data.

Data Structures


interface ChipObject {
  type: ChipType


interface DataChipObject {
  type: ChipType
  machineData: {[index: string]: MachineObject}
  rawData: Uint8Array[]
  validStructure: boolean


interface MachineObject {
  position: MachinePosition
  sets: MachineSet[]


interface MachinePosition {
  chest: number | null
  rom2: number | null
  rom1: number | null
  seat: number | null


interface MachineSet {
  version: string
  serial: string
  time: string
  resistance: number
  precision: Precision
  units: ForceUnit
  repetitions: number
  peak: number | null
  work: number | null
  distance: number | null
  chest: number | null
  rom2: number | null
  rom1: number | null
  seat: number | null
  test: MachineTest | null


interface MachineTest {
  type: TestType
  high: MachineTestResult | null
  low: MachineTestResult | null


interface MachineTestResult {
  power: number
  velocity: number
  force: number
  position: number


enum Precision {
  dec = 'dec',
  int = 'int'

enum ForceUnit {
  lb = 'lb',
  kg = 'kg',
  ne = 'ne',
  er = 'er'

enum TestType {
  power6r = 'power6r',
  a4206r = 'a4206r',
  a42010r = 'a42010r'

enum ChipType {
  dataChip = 12,
  rtcChip = 36,
  tzChip = 45,
  unknown = 0

Development Tools

eChip WebUSB RepositorySource code repository for the Keiser Air eChip WebUSB Library.

Keiser Air Documentation

THe Science of KeiserLearn about the science that makes Keiser unlike any traditional strength training equipment.
Strength EquipmentKeiser Strength Equipment Listings
Functional EquipmentKeiser Functional Training Equipment Listings
All Equipment ManualsAll the manuals, parts diagrams, and tutorials for Keiser equipment.

Agreements and Guidelines

The Keiser eChip WebUSB Library source code and library package are made available through the MIT license.

Using any of this library in connection with any Keiser eChip enabled equipment make you subject to the following agreements. Please read all documents in their entirety as they govern your use of the APIs.